Art Historical
We have specialized training as art historians and can undertake all aspects of research relating to works of art and their historical significance. Where necessary, we are equipped to build methodologically comprehensive object files that contain information about the artwork in the published literature, creating physical or digital dossiers similar to those maintained by curators in museum collections. We specialize in reconstructing provenance (also known as history of ownership from the time of the object’s creation), and can establish verified sales and publication histories. We have also authored numerous catalogue essays for exhibition publications and collection catalogues and can explore in depth iconography, meaning, and other historical concerns that enlarge our understanding of the artist’s original intention. We utilize a wealth of resources in libraries available both in New York City and abroad and can also take advantage of the growing bodies of information in the digital arena, with on-line platforms known only to specialists in the field. We have extensive experience handling all of these matters and can call upon our wide network of international specialists and colleagues for expert opinions where necessary. Taking these investigative steps into your object history can lead to new insights and oftentimes pave the way to attribution reassessments.
· Provenance
· Sales and publication histories
· Iconography and the pictorial tradition
· Attribution and authenticity
Materials analysis
One of the most fascinating areas of art research today involves the intersection of science, technology, and art. Here, leading institutions and scholars are learning more than ever about the artist’s creative process. There are a number of useful tools available today that help visualize hidden underlayers of the work of art, and give clear notions of dating by analyzing supports. Some of these inquiries are fascinating in their own right and, at best, can lead to reassessments in authenticity and attribution. Although we do not execute the technical examinations, we work with a group of distinguished specialists and scientists in New York and beyond (many of them full-time, museum professionals) who consult on a free-lance basis. We can help you understand which areas of technical research, if any, make sense for your collection and goals. We also oversee any testing and are committed to helping you interpret the results and integrate them into broader narratives.
· Dendrochronology
· Canvas weave-analysis
· Infra-red imaging
· X-radiography
· Pigment analysis